Honestly cannot thank this site enough, my partner has been wanting a console for over a year and now I get to surprise him with one at the end of this week. Doing gods work
Thank you Stock Checkers - managed to get a PS5 bundle from Curry's today. A bit more than I wanted to pay but will be worth when my son gets it for his birthday!
You are welcome and glad you managed to get a PS 5 for your son's birthday. It's a shame that the retailers are opting to sell bundles only and claiming this keeps the scalpers away but for as long as we have been doing stock checkers well before the word scalper was used, retailers have preferred to sell bundles.
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Comments (223)
Stock drop at PS5 Direct lasting well after the AO PS5 Restock today also
Stock now gone.
Brief showing of PS5 Digital Edition at Amazon this morning.
Honestly cannot thank this site enough, my partner has been wanting a console for over a year and now I get to surprise him with one at the end of this week. Doing gods work
Ah, thank you for your kind comments. Glad you managed to get a PS5 as we haven't seen any PS5 stock in the UK for quite some time
Thank you Stock Checkers - managed to get a PS5 bundle from Curry's today. A bit more than I wanted to pay but will be worth when my son gets it for his birthday!
You are welcome and glad you managed to get a PS 5 for your son's birthday. It's a shame that the retailers are opting to sell bundles only and claiming this keeps the scalpers away but for as long as we have been doing stock checkers well before the word scalper was used, retailers have preferred to sell bundles.
Yet another PS5 restock of Bundles - come on where are the console only options