Who has the ghd Glide in stock 2025?

Please see the table below for the best prices on where to buy the ghd Glide Hot Professional Brush. Prices are checked regularly and any special offer vouchers will be listed under the product description for that particular retailer when available.

Please Contact Us if you have any comments, additional sites to add to the GHD Glide price comparison or you have found this site useful. Unfortunately, we cannot offer technical advice regarding the GHD Glide and we advise you to contact the GHD Glide manufacturer via their website.

ghd Glide
ghd Glide

Perfect for second day hair, the ceramic technology with ioniser heats up the brush consistently to the optimum styling temperature of 185ºC for guaranteed healthier looking hair. The ions within the brush eliminate frizz so hair is transformed in just a few quick strokes. The combination of high density short and longer bristles allow for large sections of hair to be styled and leaves salon smooth natural movement.

  • Ceramic technology and ioniser for taming hair and elimininating frizz
  • Optimim styling temperature of 185ºC
  • professional length 2.7m cable and 2 years manufacture guarantee
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Stock of the ghd Glide is in short supply so to be one of the first to know when the ghd Glide is back in stock, please enter your email below and we will email you immediately when ghd Glide stock arrives at one of the stockists below. We will only use your email address to notify you of stock availability and you can unsubscribe at anytime.

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GHD Glide - Due to high availability checking not currently live, therefore these prices and availability maybe out of date
Store Product Price Delivery Total Stock
ghd ghd glide professional hot brush
£159.00 £0.00 £159.00 In Stock
Very ghd glide Professional Hot Brush
£159.00 £0.00 £159.00 In Stock
HQHair ghd Glide Professional Hot Brush
£159.00 £0.00 £159.00 In Stock
Lookfantastic ghd Glide Professional Hot Brush
£159.00 £0.00 £159.00 In Stock
Selfridges GHD Glide Hot Brush
£159.00 £0.00 £159.00 In Stock
Ebay GHD Glide - Prices and delivery varies
£139.99 £Varies £139.99 In Stock
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Are you looking for the best price ghd glide professional hot brush? Please review our comparision table above to find where to buy ghd glide hot brush. We regularly check prices with ghd glide stockists in the UK so you can be sure these are the best deals available.

ghd hot glide brush was previously very popular which led to all UK stockists being sold out before and after it's initial release date. Now that stock levels of the ghd brush glide is back in stock (2021), UK retailers are adjusting their prices regularly to ensure you get the ghd glide offers ensuring best value. We have seen prices as low as £118.00 recently but it seems that the RRP of £139.00 is not being discounted as much as in the past as demand is starting to grow again.

We hope our ghd glide hot air brush price comparision webpage is of use to you and maybe you could leave a review if you find it useful and you have great success staightening your hair with a ghd smoothing hot brush.
